My inbox is chocka... It can wait til at least tomorrow.
Time is rapidly running out for trek training... Which is to say what I haven't done now is unlikely to get done. Although I would like to do the stairs work suggested by Sim to combat the worst of the muscle pain...
I spoke to Debbie on Monday. She did a similar trek in Peru for one of the breast cancer charities back in April. And boy, had she trained (and she'd done the triathlon the year before...)
So I'm feeling very cross with myself (though why is a bit of a mystery - if I'd had the resources and the time to fit in more training in, then I would have. I've done what I could, and that is generally good enough for the rest of the world - I just seem to be rather attached to that hair shirt and self-flagellation...)
Tonight, I'm slugging back up the hill (actually called Paddles Lane, according to the Google map of Frome, which makes me smile!), feeling really chuffed that two working days in a row I've managed a good hour and a half training - and last night I went to the Alma Theatre as well!
A knot develops between my shoulder blades, and I think; my rucksack is quite heavy tonight. I have a sudden memory of Glastonbury. In particular, returning from Glastonbury...
The year I went on the bus with the bike club (? sounds a bit bizarre, doesn't it! - day tickets, hence the bus...). My backpack simply had waterproofs, a couple of layers, water and snacks - and boy, did I struggle round Worthy Farm. The site never seemed so huge... No, that's not true, the year I 'commuted' in Karen's car to stewarding work in the information tent, I barely made it further than the main stage and then onto the car after my shift... In fact, after some shifts I just went straight home (Ath was about 13 or 14, so there were 'issues' there as well... but imagine not having the energy to check out at least
some of Glasters! - and (mostly) no partying whatsoever... Al & I shared a bottle of wine at lunch-time on the last day - and then I
did stay late, to sober up!)
But going back to that day ticket trip - eventually, about 7ish, just as the rest were starting to get into party mode proper, I had to give up attempts to enjoy it and start the slog back to the bus stop. (I didn't know the club members very well, only through Mike and Karen, but I was a bit shocked that nobody bothered making sure I was OK - I must have been grey-faced by then, but I'm sure they just thought I was a real lightweight...).
It took me hours to get to the buses, and then the driver wouldn't negotiate an earlier bus than was on my ticket... I was so exhausted I could barely focus on the way home, and when I arrived in Frome, there were no taxis on the rank (not sure I had cash anyway!). I managed to get up beyond Sheppards Barton and into Park Road before I phoned Ath to come and help me and my bag home... It probably took me three or four days of resting before I felt half-way human again.
And now, I can walk for nearly two hours
on top of a day at work!!!!! Two days in a row - now that's pretty miraculous.
Considered like that... I may not have managed the optimum level of training recommended, but boy have I achieved an amazing increase in fitness this year...
They say these treks are life changing experiences. And maybe, for some of us, those changes start long before we get on a plane...