originally part of training/fundraising for the Hepatitis C Trust's Nepal trek. Now, sporadic musings...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

May - month of the blossom moon...

My last blog entry was at the beginning of April. It's now nearly the end of May... My lifestyle here in Wych Avon is so completely different... my days are workaholically busy - reminiscent of my days with the retail company - and yet my time away from work is very 'stripped back' by comparison with my Frome incarnation... Much more solitary. Well, totally solitary - two weekend guests in a row have had to cancel!
I'm lucky to be able to connect so closely to nature - if I don't get out for a walk or (short!) run before work, it's unusual. And sometimes I manage a walk at sunset, too.
Time to notice things like...
the pointillist effects of blackthorn in bloom... I can tell the difference between hawthorn blossom and blackthorn now...
Of course, I know bluebells when I see them - my landlord told me there are wild orchids here too, and yesterday morning, I think I spotted them...

The cars are stars, too, given the job I'm doing (with Kit on holiday this week, I'm in charge, however unlikely that feels - me, running a repair garage? Whatever next...)

The towns nearby are wonderfully picturesque - quintessentially English. Not that I seek populated places much - these river scenes at Evesham were snapped on a foray to get proper running shoes (before I totally knackered my knees...)
I've found a fantastic massage therapist; so any damage the race for life training does, she offsets...
The first time I hit ten whole minutes of running, I was ecstatic... but progress is slow and erratic; plus I'm sporadically liverish at the moment.

My screen is telling me saving and publishing may fail. Time to give up and go home...

About Me

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I began blogging during training for a trek in the Himalayas... several lifetimes ago. Currently working on my novel - in the tiny spaces left by a 50 hour plus working week...